Sunday 28 July 2013

Is this a Super Hero thing or what......????

  • The latest invention from Stanford University’s Department of Electrical Engineering sounds like something a superhero would have. A self-repairing plastic-metal material has been developed by a team of professors, researchers and graduate students.
  • This is the first material of its kind that can sense pressure and heal itself when burned, torn or cut — a little bit like human skin.  The Stanford researchers report on their “flexible and electrically conducting material” in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
  • One of the graduate student said “If you take a piece of cardboard, for example and you cut it into two, if you have this material, it brings the two pieces together to attach the two sides to each other without a need for glue — it does it itself. That is the magic.”
  • Even human skin takes days to heal. So I think this is quite cool

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